Current date/time is Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:58 pm

Forum Terms of service

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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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The Wardrobe Recycler program is designed to be a place for the FREE exchange of clothing items. All items must be in good condition; no rips, tears, or major stains. Basically, if you or your child won't (or can't) wear it due to defects, tears/holes/frays, stains or an otherwise unpleasant reason, please don't advertise it here. At this time, we are not allowing the sale of clothing or other goods. This doesn't mean that we won't allow it in the future, but for now, all items must be FREE. We do not allow for resale, this is for an exchange only. If you are looking for freebies for resale, please go elsewhere. If you are found to be reselling goods, you will be banned from the site. When posting an ad, please use your location as the subject line in form of city and state. In the message body, include the item's size, a brief description of the item, as well as a small picture if available. Optional (but preferred) information includes a smoking vs. non-smoking environment & pets vs. non-pet household. The Administrators are assuming that all exchanges are local to both the offering party as well as the receiving party. It is up to you to determine the location of the item (if you are receiving it) or the recipient (if you are offering it). Please remember your manners when posting on this site. You may not bash, antagonize, or harass another user via the site's private message system or through posts on the forum. Any information that you choose to post on this site is at your own risk. Please remember this before posting names, addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses. Where we can, we will edit posts to remove some of this information for your safety. It is strongly encouraged to keep personal information to private messages (PMs). When posting in a general area (such as the Chit Chat or Introductions forums), please remember that this is an all ages website. Please watch your language as well as your choice of topic. We reserve the right to lock or delete any posts or threads found to be inappropriate. If you won't say it to your mother, don't say it here. Please keep your sensitive account information private. Remember that Administrators will never ask you for your password. Do not let a non-member or a banned member access the site with your information. Registration here is free, and banned members have been banned for a reason. If you have any questions please ask an Administrator or a Moderator. We do not discriminate for any reason on this site, and it will not be tolerated from any member. If you are found to be posting discriminatory ads, you will be warned only once before your account is deleted and you are no longer welcome here. This includes racial, gender, sexual orientation, religious, ethnic, age, or any other form of discrimination. The site Administrators are not responsible for the delivery, storage, or care of any items advertised on this site. In other words, you join the Program AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you wish to recieve an item back eventually, be sure the party recieving the item knows this! and is prepared to handle it appropriately. The site Administrators reserve the right to delete any thread or post that they see fit, with or without warning. Admin may give warnings or place a member on temporary or permanent ban with or without notice, for any reason. By joining this site, creating a user name, or in any way participating in the Wardrobe Recycler Program, you agree to these terms of service. They are subject to change without notice, however the Administrators will do their best to keep all members updated through the "Messages from the Mods" forum. Please check there every time you log in so that you stay up to date.